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14 Ways to be More Environmentally Friendly

Updated: Aug 14, 2021

Last Updated: 14th August 2021

Here is a list of some of the most impactful things that you can do to live a more environmentally friendly life. This list is in no particular order and I by no means do everything on this list all of the time, I am sharing this to help you if you don't know where to start of if you are already on your sustainability journey and don't know what to do next.

1. Eat less meat and dairy

Veganism has been found to be the single biggest thing you can do to reduce your impact on the planet. Not only is animal farming for meat extremely inhumane but it also has a huge carbon footprint. For more information on the footprint of meat and animal produce I highly recommend watching the documentary 'Cowspiracy'. See this blog post for more resources on Veganism.

2. Compost Food Waste

It is important to compost food waste instead of putting it in landfill as it will not biodegrade and breakdown in those conditions. This also means that important nutrients will be saved from being lost to landfill.

3. Buy Less and Shop Second Hand

Every single thing that we buy or consume has an environmental footprint and so the most environmentally friendly option is always to only buy want we need or will at least truly get value out of. Similarly, buying things second hand is a great option as it helps to prevent these items from going to waste as well as reducing the demand for products made from virgin materials.

4. Shop Local

Buying products that have been sourced and made locally reduces their footprint as they don't have to travel across the world to get to you. This is especially important when it comes to food since this accounts for some much of what we buy and because transporting food can have a huge footprint if it needs to be keep under controlled conditions, for example if it needs to be continually refrigerated, while it is being moved.

5. Shop Small

Shopping small isn't inherently better for the planet but smaller businesses are far less likely to be exploiting people and/or the environment for a profit. Small business are also far more likely to listen to your feedback and to be accommodating if you have requests such as letting you use your own containers as they are not beholden to strict company policies.

6. Recycle

Recycling helps to save precious materials from being thrown into landfill. Paper, cardboard, glass and aluminium are easily recyclable. Plastic recycling is more controversial. However, remember to check your local recycling program for a full list of items you can recycle and to sort your recycling appropriately as recycling contamination is very common and can be very problematic.

7. Reduce The Amount Of Single Use Plastic That You Buy

Recycling plastic is very difficult and problematic. The best solution for us is to avoid buying plastics in the first place as much as possible. This blog post lists many ways you can avoid buying plastic. See this blog post for more resources about plastic pollution.

(Refill produce in Better Foods, Whiteladies, Bristol)

8. Conserve Water and Energy (Especially When Not In Use)

It turns out your dad was right. Turn off the taps when you are brushing your teeth. Consider taking less baths and shorter showers. Turn off lights when you aren't in the room and turn off electrical appliances when they aren't being used. View these as valuable resources that should not be wasted. This will also save you a lot of money!

9. Switch to a More Sustainable Energy Provider

No matter how much energy you save, it is also important to ensure that the energy you do use is coming from sustainable sources. They are many providers who use renewable energy to supply their customers and it is surprisingly easy to change your provider. We personally recently switched to bulb who deliver 100% renewable electricity from solar, wind and hydro.

10. Switch to a More Sustainable Bank

Banks make their profit by lending out the money you save with them. Most popular high-street banks lend huge amount of money to very environmentally damaging sectors such as the fossil fuel industry. By moving your money to a bank who pledges not to do this, you can make sure that your money isn't available to help destroy the planet. is a great resource for seeing how environmentally friendly your bank is.

11. Walk Or Use Public Transportation Instead of Travelling by Car

Transportation is one of the main sources of carbon emissions. Reduce your number of journeys were possible and use public transport if you can. You could also consider switching to electric the next time you buy a vehicle. If you have to drive to work, is there anyone that you can carpool with?

12. Minimise the Number of Times You Travel by Plane

Plane journeys are particularly bad for the environment as they require a huge amount of fuel. Consider reducing the number of holidays you travel to by plane. Go on holiday in your own country or travel by train.

13. Educate Others

Something that has stuck with me since I heard it at a talk on climate change, is that is it better to be mostly environmentally friendly and devote your remaining energy to educating others on these issues instead of trying to do it perfectly as this will have a much bigger impact. It is better to be 80% environmentally friendly and help someone else to become 80% environmentally friendly instead of trying to get to 95%.

14. Ask for Political Change

This is maybe the most important thing on this list. Climate Change IS a political issue. We are in a climate crisis and while the things on this list will help, they will not save us alone. Climate change is caused disproportionately by a small number industries and companies. As long as this goes unpunished, and as long as stricter regulations do not exist, it will not end. Please consider the climate crisis when choosing who to vote for.




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