Study Reward Sheet
A 25 session study tracker
This printable was inspired by 2 things. Firstly I wanted a shorter version of the 100 hours of study challenge that I could complete in a half term (one week break from school) and secondly, one of my friends had a system where they got a treat at the end of every study day. This printable has 25 sessions but you can decide how long one session is! It could be 1 hour or 20 minutes. You could also use this for something such as practicing a musical instrument. After every 5 sessions, you can claim a reward! The reward column is to write down your reward to motivate you and the claimed column is to put a tick in when you have had your reward. There is also a box for you to write down what areas you want to focus on and the large blank box is for you to write a motivational quote in, or something else that will inspire and motivate you! Don't forget to use the hashtag #StudyRewardSheet and tag me on Instagram!