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15 Ways to Minimise Your Digital Life

Updated: Aug 14, 2021

Last Updated: 28th June 2021

1. Go on an Unfollowing Spree

Seriously. All those accounts on Instagram and twitter that you scroll past that are clogging up your feed, unfollow them! Spend 15 minutes going through your following list, it will save you so much time in the long run. If there are people that you feel obliged to follow for whatever reason but who's posts you aren't enjoying, try muting them instead.

2. Delete accounts you don’t use

If you have a random account that you don’t post on and you never are going to again, why do you still have it. The internet is full enough without your random blogs that no one has visited since 2014.

3. Scroll through your own feed

I also recommend going through your own feeds and deleting posts that no longer resonate with you because they are only distracting from your more important posts.

4. Unsubscribe from those trash emails that stop you seeing your actual emails

It doesn’t take too long. There’s normally a link at the bottle of the email to a webpage where you can unsubscribe. It will save you so much time in the long run, especially if you get them daily. I have made a promise to myself that whenever I get spam email from now on, I will unsubscribe before deleting it.

5. Delete old email accounts!

If you will never use them again, why do you still have them!?

6. Clear through your photos and delete random screenshots

For any fangirl this is a struggle and a process but I’m slowly getting there and its nice and therapeutic if you have a few hours to kill. On the iPhone there is a gorgeous app called FLIC where you ‘flic’ the photos to the left or right depending on whether you want to keep them or not. Its genius! I love it so much I have the paid version!

7. Set your messages to auto-delete

Messages, take up so much of your phones memory but you can set them to auto-delete! This means that any messages older than a month, say, disappear without affecting the newer ones you may still need. This is an easy way to stay on top of messages without having to delete and remake group chats.

On a iphone: Settings > Messages > Keep Messages > 30 Days

8. Delete old apps you’re not using

Very therapeutic and means you’ll actually be able to update iOS this time because you’ll have some storage.

9. While you’re at it, sort your apps

I personally like to have all of my apps on one page as this means that when you go on your phone it feels simple and clear and you know exactly what you’re looking at as everything is laid out and within easy access.

10. Delete those old contacts on your phone

Your never going to call that girl you haven’t seen since 2009 so why are you holding onto her number!? So that it takes you longer to scroll down to find your real friends?

11. Empty your recycling bin on your laptop

When you delete stuff it doesn’t actually delete it just goes here and then you have to delete it. This is in case you accidentally delete something but that doesn’t work when it has 5 years worth of trash to sift through in it!

12. Sort through your downloads folder

This is a similar principle that when you download something it ends up in this folder but make sure that you stay on top of that so that you can find things you download and its not just full of old homework assignments you’ve been emailed.

13. In the same way you should sort your phone, you should sort your computer.

Do you remember when you actually bothered to create organised folders that one time! Well, maybe you should go and sort all the new stuff. Folders are there so that you can easily find all your work. Use them!

14. Sort through the notes app on your phone

When was the last time you sorted through your entire notes app and deleted those random to do lists from months ago?

15. Declutter your devices

If you have old or unused devices lying around see if you can recycle them or sell them if they are still in good condition. Also, if one of your devices breaks, properly consider how much value it adds to your life before you replace it. For example, when my smart watch broke I decided not to replace it straight away and to just wear another ordinary analogue watch that I had lying around to see if I missed it. It's been almost a year and I can confirm that I don't miss enough to replace so I am glad that I saved myself some money. Minimalism is extremely important when it comes to tech devices as they have such a large environmental footprint.




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